This file should be printed at 17 or 20 pitch to show all columns. ---------- Appendix A ---------- A rough chart of the results from the survey. Values that are missing are either not applicable (ie std dev of 1 number), need to be analysed by hand to remove bogus values, or were lost due to my time restriction on receiving surveys. The data is contained on the floppy disk as well as the two large computer paper bundles given. geo.* are the complete surveys for each person grouped by country, while *.dat are the surveys grouped by country question by question. Both are parsed for easier viewing. A sample survey result is printed at the end of this sheet. Survey results (in the form mean and population age m S time S city S distance software Austria 1 Australia 14 23.928 5.639 4.64 1.669 9.428 12.67 7.45 7.187 30.769 24.927 Belgium 1 Canada 24 24.458 6.520 3.958 1.458 2.47 1.62 7.921 7.11 16.6 12.83 Denmark 5 24.6 3.049 4 1.172 9.4 9.736 2.6 2.701 10.8 5.805 England 9 25.11 6.5277 2.59 2.137 9 11.28 6.277 6.05 16.77 10.40 Finland 16 22.375 4.333 4.78 1.341 18.0 48.73 14.68 16.977 France 1 26 3 3 4 Germany 16 24.25 2.64 5.13 .8121 3.31 3.28 9.10 11.206 13.35 10.67 Ireland 3 23 2 8.3 5.7 5.3 8.34 13 9.84 Israel 1 Italy 2 29 5.65 5 2 23 31 1.5 2.12 Japan 1 21 4 2 20 100 Netherlands 9 23.22 1.922 5.15 1.415 1.6 1.83 6.7 6.019 NewZealand 5 29.8 6.34 3.7 1.75 2.8 .836 1 16.16 8.95 Norway 9 21 1.80 4.55 1.13 3.9 4.77 9.75 14.77 Scottland 1 Sweden 22 22.77 3.89 4.59 1.46 5.27 5.044 4.25 4.27 8.136 11.072 Switzerland 1 25 5 5 15 20 USA 87 25.156 7.941 4.25 1.81 1.32 1.427 22.86 33.28 23.58 21.20 MEAN 24.41 4.28 13.71 rate-knowledge rate-prog amiga-approv comm-appoval ami-support investment Austria 1 Australia 14 81.93 16.593 46.428 27.204 92.285 6.473 46.333 30.616 52.66 33.581 66.07 24.587 Belgium 1 Canada 24 17.5 21.621 53.583 29.28 87.29 13.521 58.4 17.57 45.66 28.329 68.47 20.69 Denmark 5 83 8.366 72 14.8 68 26.59 69 27.01 72.5 23.62 71 21.33 England 9 69.77 33.22 44.66 37.32 83.88 29.5 49.66 35.010 57.38 45.91 66.33 22.682 Finland 16 78.12 12.365 53.31 29.36 86.56 10.11 49.75 19.327 13.25 16.522 63 19.92 France 1 50 30 90 50 40 40 Germany 16 82.8 7.52 72.81 16.63 87.8 13.14 44 17.74 33.37 27.487 74.93 10.648 Ireland 3 80 5 63.33 11.54 91.66 7.68 65 2.5 61.66 10.40 70 Israel 1 Italy 2 67.5 38.89 60 28.28 75 32.5 38.89 65 7.07 47.5 3.53 Japan 1 88 30 85 70 5 80 Netherlands 9 73.33 21.93 47.08 35.06 87 8.563 50 17.5 29 32.8 75 22.8 NewZealand 5 67 22.24 41 34.35 83.8 14.48 49 35.42 59 17.46 70 14.14 Norway 9 83.5 8.83 74 19.69 86.3 18.104 47 26.26 38 21.49 61 37.25 Scottland 1 Sweden 22 81.10 10.64 54.04 22.6 82.5 14.19 33.47 19.84 27.88 28.53 66.42 16.366 Switzerland 1 95 85 95 75 50 USA 87 77.68 17.68 47.22 29.89 84.167 16.079 46.8 23.88 41.33 29.01 69.28 20.89 MEAN 77.26 54.65 86.96 52.24 43.23 65.93 and an example of a survey before it was parsed down: From: Message-Id: <> To: pdietz Subject: Re: ***** Please fill out this Amiga survey ***** Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.advocacy In-Reply-To: <> Organization: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada Cc: Status: RO In article <> you write: > >Please fill out the survey below! E-Mail to > >The information is for my Cartography class here at UNL. For our final >project we are to design 4 or 5 thematic maps pertaining to any topic we >wish.... it should however convey a message. > >I decided to do mine on the Amiga since it will be fairly interesting to see >the survey's results compared to Commodore's actual results. > >As soon as I get permission from Commodore, I will FTP the maps in GIF format >to wuarchive and amiga.physik so everyone can enjoy them. > >------------------------------------------------------------ >All People are welcome to complete the survey! >The more the BETTER!!!!! > >I encourage foreign users to reply to get a world opinion. >------------------------------------------------------------ > >Thank you much. >Phil Dietz > >====================================== >Name: Dirk Sieber >Age: 22 >City, State, and Country you live in: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. > >How long have you had an Amiga? About 5 years. >How many Amiga dealers are in your city? 3 or 4 >How many Amiga dealers are in your state (a guess)? Lots! :-) (I have no idea) >How far is the nearest Amiga Dealer (a guess in miles or km)? About 5 kms. >How many User Groups are there in your state/country (a guess)? 30 >Does your friend also own an Amiga? Yes > >How many commercial Amiga software products have you purchased? >;count everything including games, wp's, etc. > >Summarize what you like to do with your amiga into a category: >;ie music, games, telecommunications, biz, etc. Telecommunications, Programming. >Summarize what you WANT to do with your amiga into a category: A bit of everything. :-) > >Rate your degree of Amiga knowledge from 0-100 (0=new user): 75 >Rate your degree of Amiga programming skills 0-100 (0=none): 50 >Rate your approval of the Amiga from 0-100 (0=hate): 90 >Rate your approval of Commodore 0-100 (0=the worst): 60 >Rate the degree of Amiga support in your area 0-100 (0=none): 80 >Rate your investment in your Amiga system 0-100 (0=very little):60 > >Have you heard of a program called newlist? >If so do you use it? Yes, and Yes. > >Do you ABSOLUTLEY LOVE science fiction (ie Star Trek TNG, etc.)? Yes > >================================================